Last night the Festival Committee held the quarterly partners meeting. We had a good turnout including representatives from the Council's Parks Service, the myplace Youth team, Drapers Academy and our provider for our inflatables.
The meeting managed to make progress on how we can ensure the park is in the best condition possible, how we can best link in what happens in the myplace centre to the event, how we can more closely with Drapers Academy who sponsor the stage at the event and ensuring the inflatables are well managed on the day.
The event bookings are starting to be made now with the toilets now booked, enquiries coming in for stall bookings and local talent asking about performing on the stage. We're also really pleased to see a number of enquiries from people asking to volunteer on the day.
From now onwards we'll be starting to increase our marketing with posters going up, Harry the Squirrel (our mascot) visiting schools and we'll begin to make more announcements about what will happen on the day.
If you want to get involved in the Harold Hill Festival you can now let us know on

The Harold Hill Festival is an annual community-run event in Central Park, Harold Hill. The event celebrates the lives, residents, charities and organisations which make up the community of Harold Hill, Essex. Visit the Harold Hill Festival website to book stalls, volunteer and find out event details -
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